Friday, August 11, 2006


Hello, everybody. I'm sure you already know by now that due to a terrorist plot being thwarted to use liquid explosives to blow up several planes bound from Britain to the United States, airports around the world took no chances to up their security. As a result, you cannot bring these on your carry-on anymore:

  • Beverages (including juices, water, and sodas)
  • Toiletries (personal, oral hygiene, and hair and skin care products like shampoos or lotions)
But what you can bring is baby formula; it's just that you have to taste it yourself to make sure it's legit. Prescription medicine including insulin are also acceptable.

Now that's here, but in Britain, they're really upped the ante. Electronics like laptops, portable DVD players, mobile phones, and even iPods are now banned from carry-ons period. That means if they want to entertain themselves during the flight from now on, they're going to have to bring a book.

So, what do I make of all this? Well, you can still bring beverages with you, but that's after you go through security and that the gift shops near the gates still sell them. As for toiletries? You might have to put them in the checked luggage.

Looks like we're going to live by these new rules from then on. After all, with the five-year anniversary of 9/11 just weeks away, flying the friendly skies continue to be anything but friendly with every security measure they pull on us. So long.

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