Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Live from New York, it's the real Sarah Palin!

Hello, everybody. Saturday's "Saturday Night Live" scored its highest ratings in 14 years when after weeks of ridicule by Tina Fey, Sarah Palin finally met her match. And believe it or not, she delivered!

But the big question: Will this mean a surge in the polls? Unlikely, as Barack Obama and Joe Biden maintains their lead over McCain/Palin with only two weeks to go. And thanks to a huge endorsement by former Secretary of State Colin Powell, there's a good opportunity that Obama's lead is going to widen a bit.

Of course, the magic number to clinch the presidency is 270 electoral votes, and according to the daily projected estimate by Electoral-vote.com, Obama may win by a huge margin with 364 to McCain's 167. Now the Conservative Party under Stephen Harper retained their minority power in Canada last week winning 143 seats (12 shy from the needed 155 for a majority government); if you multiply it times three, you get 286. Obama may reach that number by around the time the polls start to close on the West Coast especially in Democrat-heavy California, where the big 55 electoral votes are at stake.

Other states that are considered to be a cakewalk are New York (31), Pennsylvania (21), Barack's home state of Illinois (21), Michigan (17), New Jersey (15), Massachusetts (12), and Washington (11). Ohio and Florida, the two states that may seal the deal on whose moving truck will be arriving at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, are slowly but surely leaning Obama's way with 20 and 27 electoral votes respectively up for grabs. On the Republican side, you may have Texas (34) and McCain's home state of Arizona (10), but it may not be enough to grant him unlimited access to the White House.

But yes, I have been dreaming of an Obama victory speech at Millennium Park in Chicago, a McCain concession speech at some hotel in Phoenix, and Sarah Palin finally going back to work at the Governor's Office in Juneau. I am also dreaming of a changing of the guard on Capitol Hill as far as representing Alaska is concerned, as Mark Begich and Ethan Berkowitz have been out for Ted Stevens' and Don Young's blood. I'm expecting these two races to be too close to call, but in the end, Young and/or Stevens will no longer have a job in Washington.

Like I said, we still got two more weeks, and anything could happen before the first polls of the night close on November 4. I hope McCain doesn't take a page from Bob Dole's 1996 playbook and campaign non-stop for 96 hours straight; he would suddenly drop dead at the ripe old age of 892 (actually, 72)! So long and stay strong.

(By the way...if you're into the other Sarah (Michelle Gellar), I've created a hot musical tribute to her on YouTube)

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