Thursday, September 04, 2008

Palin's Big Moment!

Hello, everybody as I come to you from Rocky Mount, Virginia on the eve of my grandmother's funeral in Winston-Salem.

Well, as you already know by now, last night was Sarah Palin's night to shine at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. I didn't see the speech on television, but I've heard some excerpts from it and the response afterwards: Just like the late Heath Ledger's performance in "The Dark Knight"...good. Very good.

Palin spoke to a packed Xcel Energy Center and to millions more watching around the world, and it couldn't come at such a trying time for Alaska's Governor/Vice Presidential nominee with her daughter Bristol being pregnant. Speaking of was indeed a gold mine for all the late night hosts, and I still can't wait to see what the big dog of them all, "Saturday Night Live", has up their sleeves when Mr. Beijing Olympics Michael Phelps fronts the 34th season premiere next Saturday.

Tonight is John McCain's turn, but will this mean a bump in the polls? A bit unlikely, as Barack Obama have been sharpening their attacks even after Palin's big moment. All those chants we heard for Palin last night may help, but in the end, it may not be enough. The debates are later this month; we'll find out then. From rural Virginia, so long and stay strong.

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