The beginning of the end for Michael Vick? Plus...why so many teenage men are hot for Michelle Pfeiffer
Hello, everybody. Today, Atlanta Falcons star Michael Vick pleaded guilty in a Richmond, Virgina courtroom over charges of dog fighting. As you already know, Vick has been suspended indefinitely from the Falcons as the new NFL football season is just weeks away.
For almost all the late night guys, it is perfect timing as they're back to work after two weeks of reruns, and you know they're going to come out swinging with Vick jokes left and right. But opinion wise, I have no respect for Vick whatsoever over the dog fighting investigation. Facing possible jail time, he'll be joining alongside Mike Tyson, Ben Johnson, Pete Rose and O.J. Simpson in the ranks of the most disgraceful athletes in North America. As for a second chance? I doubt it.
Last Sunday was the Teen Choice Awards, in which the big story remains "High School Musical 2." Hot off the heels of an all-time cable ratings record (17.24 million viewers, which is like the broadcast television equivalent of around 50 million viewers), it picked up surfboards for Choice TV Movie, Choice Male Hottie (Zac Efron, who I think is "Sexiest Man of 2007" material when that poll gets underway in November), and Choice Female Breakout Artist (Vanessa Hudgens).
Another winner from last night was "Hairspray" for Choice Summer Movie (Comedy/Musical), and speaking of which...last blog, I talked a whole lot about the return of one of its main stars, Michelle Pfeiffer, after a four-year break from movies and that it has generated a new bunch of younger fans who are tired of anything pertaining to Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, or Britney Spears and wanted to see some old school talent. On the actress' IMDB board, I asked the question to teenage fans if they find Pfeiffer sexy now that she's back. The response was astounding; here's what they're saying:
"I'm turning 20 in a few months so I guess that's qualify me as a teenager. And yes, she sure is sexy. And at the age of 49 (how strange it sounds) she is still the most beautiful woman on the rock."
"I'm 19 and I think she's one of the hottest actresses of all time. I don't care that she's almost 50. I bet I'll still think she's hot 20 years from now."
"I'm not a teenager. I'm 28 years old but I find her very beautiful & damn sexy. It's not surprising to see all the younger men here have the hots for her."
"I'm 15... And was pissed when I learned she was married. Michelle Pfeiffer is -- and will be forever -- the most gorgeous woman on the face of the planet. In fact, I would say she's even more beautiful now than fifteen or twenty years ago."
"I'm 17, and I really think she's sexy."
"I'm 19 and I have a spank to her now and then" (Whoa, a bit too much information!)
"I've thought this for about 10 or 11 yrs. (I'm now 20). She is smokin!"
"I'm 19 going on 20 and I think she's one of the most beautiful women on the planet...she is HOT!"
"I'm a teenager - and even though she is older than my mother, I find her incredibly sexy. I always had a thing for older women though."
"I'm 19 and I've thought for years that she's smexxi (smokin' & sexy). I was surprised at how thin she was in Hairspray though."
"I'm 15, and yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I saw Stardust and I was rooting for her to carve out that stars heart and eat it and be beautiful again! Which might not have been what the story was supposed to make you feel, but Michelle was so unspeakably beautiful when she turned young (which happened to be her real life beauty), that i had to root for her. And in hairspray, she looked amazing as well."
"I am absolutely in love with Michelle Pfeiffer and I am only 18!!! I love everything about her. Especially that Dark Ash Blonde Hair and those gorgeous blue eyes of hers. She also has a nice body!!!!"
"Yeah I'm 17 and I think she's even sexier these days than she was in the 90s."
"I'm not surprised that all you younger men find her attractive. She's so beautiful & yes, very sexy. Just watch Hairspray to see her beauty & how sexy & seductive she is."
"Lets put it this way...I'm 15 and completely find Michelle Pfeiffer sexy. Ever since I saw her in that catsuit [in Batman Returns]...DAMN!"
"I'm a teenage boy and I've loved her since i was 7. Batman Returns baby!"
"I'm 17 and I must say that Pfeiffer has aged unbelievably well. She is approaching fifty but she looks thirty, which is quiet a feat. And not only that, I also find her very attractive, especially keeping in mind her age. She is much more beautiful than today's "stars" like Paris Hilton etc. It makes me depressed to be living in such an artificial era where everything is fake and false. There is no class in today's young Hollywood unfortunately."
"I just finished 5th grade and was 11 going on 12 when Batman Returns came out and I agree. [Julianne] Moore, Pfeiffer, and others like them put the skanks around my age to shame and I'm not just talking about looks."
"Well, I'm a teenager. Fourteen to be exact. And i find Michelle Pfeiffer sexy. Oh btw. I'm a girl. AND I'm not a lesbian. I don't feel weird that I'm saying this. I'm a teen girl who finds a woman sexy. period. Michelle Pfeiffer is like a goddess. She gives the guys (AND girls) of any age the hots for her fully clothed or with just a stare. She can make a gay guy straight and a straight woman gay for all I know. And yes, I do agree with all the other posts here saying that she tops all the young stars of today. Stars like Lindsay and Paris have sex appeal that scream out "trashy" but with Michelle's .. I feel as if hers says "CLASSSSSY" and it is to be honest. Like Jonathan said, 'Pfeiffer's old school.'"
The feedback was so immense that I even tried to ask the same question on YouTube...but so far, nobody went on their webcams to state their case on Pfeiffer's sexiness. Maybe because this video from Friday's Miss Teen USA pageant is the talk of YouTube right now. I mean, talk about taking a page out of the old "Common Knowledge" skit from Saturday Night Live!
And as far as Sexiest Woman of 2007 is concerned...I broke the news on the newsgroups that Pfeiffer will be added to Round 3 along with the two 20 vote-getters from Round 2. And I have a good feeling that Pfeiffer is going to go all the way and hopefully win this year. By the only have a few days left to vote in Round 2 because it ends on Labor Day, and then we'll find out which 20 will join La Pfeiffer as the second half of the annual poll gets underway in October. And make no mistake about it, folks: The battle for the top ten slots in the final round is going to be as brutal as ever!!!
Finally...because I babbled so much about Michelle Pfeiffer, I didn't get to offer my goodbye to Curtis Thomas, who has been a longtime friend of mine for give or take 20 years as well as a familiar face to the community. Thomas recently left Fairbanks after a few years at Aleyska Pipeline to take up a job at BP in Colorado, and when I heard about the news I thought to myself, "Oh no, he died?!" That would've been a more painful loss.
But yes, Curtis and I do go way back to when we first met at Barnette Elementary (now Barnette Magnet) School in 1987; I was in the third grade and Thomas was covering some wheelchair race at the school gym for KTVF Channel 11. He was at the station until the mid-'90s when, after doing video production work, he went to rival stations KFXF and KXD to anchor their news before joining Aleyska in 1999.
Last year, I outpaced him by half an hour in the Midnight Sun Run; and the last time we met was at the annual Golden Days parade in July in which he returned to his old stomping grounds at KTVF to work the camera.
Curtis Thomas may have left his home sweet home at the Golden Heart City for a new venture in Colorado, but don't be surprised if he returns here. If he does, it would be old times again. And Curtis, if you reading this blog (that is, if you didn't mind avoiding the Michelle Pfeiffer stuff), we hope you're having the best of luck so far in your new home.
And with long and stay strong.
Hello, everybody. Today, Atlanta Falcons star Michael Vick pleaded guilty in a Richmond, Virgina courtroom over charges of dog fighting. As you already know, Vick has been suspended indefinitely from the Falcons as the new NFL football season is just weeks away.
For almost all the late night guys, it is perfect timing as they're back to work after two weeks of reruns, and you know they're going to come out swinging with Vick jokes left and right. But opinion wise, I have no respect for Vick whatsoever over the dog fighting investigation. Facing possible jail time, he'll be joining alongside Mike Tyson, Ben Johnson, Pete Rose and O.J. Simpson in the ranks of the most disgraceful athletes in North America. As for a second chance? I doubt it.
Last Sunday was the Teen Choice Awards, in which the big story remains "High School Musical 2." Hot off the heels of an all-time cable ratings record (17.24 million viewers, which is like the broadcast television equivalent of around 50 million viewers), it picked up surfboards for Choice TV Movie, Choice Male Hottie (Zac Efron, who I think is "Sexiest Man of 2007" material when that poll gets underway in November), and Choice Female Breakout Artist (Vanessa Hudgens).
Another winner from last night was "Hairspray" for Choice Summer Movie (Comedy/Musical), and speaking of which...last blog, I talked a whole lot about the return of one of its main stars, Michelle Pfeiffer, after a four-year break from movies and that it has generated a new bunch of younger fans who are tired of anything pertaining to Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, or Britney Spears and wanted to see some old school talent. On the actress' IMDB board, I asked the question to teenage fans if they find Pfeiffer sexy now that she's back. The response was astounding; here's what they're saying:

"I'm 19 and I think she's one of the hottest actresses of all time. I don't care that she's almost 50. I bet I'll still think she's hot 20 years from now."
"I'm not a teenager. I'm 28 years old but I find her very beautiful & damn sexy. It's not surprising to see all the younger men here have the hots for her."
"I'm 15... And was pissed when I learned she was married. Michelle Pfeiffer is -- and will be forever -- the most gorgeous woman on the face of the planet. In fact, I would say she's even more beautiful now than fifteen or twenty years ago."
"I'm 17, and I really think she's sexy."
"I'm 19 and I have a spank to her now and then" (Whoa, a bit too much information!)
"I've thought this for about 10 or 11 yrs. (I'm now 20). She is smokin!"

"I'm a teenager - and even though she is older than my mother, I find her incredibly sexy. I always had a thing for older women though."
"I'm 19 and I've thought for years that she's smexxi (smokin' & sexy). I was surprised at how thin she was in Hairspray though."
"I'm 15, and yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I saw Stardust and I was rooting for her to carve out that stars heart and eat it and be beautiful again! Which might not have been what the story was supposed to make you feel, but Michelle was so unspeakably beautiful when she turned young (which happened to be her real life beauty), that i had to root for her. And in hairspray, she looked amazing as well."
"I am absolutely in love with Michelle Pfeiffer and I am only 18!!! I love everything about her. Especially that Dark Ash Blonde Hair and those gorgeous blue eyes of hers. She also has a nice body!!!!"
"Yeah I'm 17 and I think she's even sexier these days than she was in the 90s."
"I'm not surprised that all you younger men find her attractive. She's so beautiful & yes, very sexy. Just watch Hairspray to see her beauty & how sexy & seductive she is."
"Lets put it this way...I'm 15 and completely find Michelle Pfeiffer sexy. Ever since I saw her in that catsuit [in Batman Returns]...DAMN!"
"I'm a teenage boy and I've loved her since i was 7. Batman Returns baby!"

"I just finished 5th grade and was 11 going on 12 when Batman Returns came out and I agree. [Julianne] Moore, Pfeiffer, and others like them put the skanks around my age to shame and I'm not just talking about looks."
"Well, I'm a teenager. Fourteen to be exact. And i find Michelle Pfeiffer sexy. Oh btw. I'm a girl. AND I'm not a lesbian. I don't feel weird that I'm saying this. I'm a teen girl who finds a woman sexy. period. Michelle Pfeiffer is like a goddess. She gives the guys (AND girls) of any age the hots for her fully clothed or with just a stare. She can make a gay guy straight and a straight woman gay for all I know. And yes, I do agree with all the other posts here saying that she tops all the young stars of today. Stars like Lindsay and Paris have sex appeal that scream out "trashy" but with Michelle's .. I feel as if hers says "CLASSSSSY" and it is to be honest. Like Jonathan said, 'Pfeiffer's old school.'"
The feedback was so immense that I even tried to ask the same question on YouTube...but so far, nobody went on their webcams to state their case on Pfeiffer's sexiness. Maybe because this video from Friday's Miss Teen USA pageant is the talk of YouTube right now. I mean, talk about taking a page out of the old "Common Knowledge" skit from Saturday Night Live!
And as far as Sexiest Woman of 2007 is concerned...I broke the news on the newsgroups that Pfeiffer will be added to Round 3 along with the two 20 vote-getters from Round 2. And I have a good feeling that Pfeiffer is going to go all the way and hopefully win this year. By the only have a few days left to vote in Round 2 because it ends on Labor Day, and then we'll find out which 20 will join La Pfeiffer as the second half of the annual poll gets underway in October. And make no mistake about it, folks: The battle for the top ten slots in the final round is going to be as brutal as ever!!!
But yes, Curtis and I do go way back to when we first met at Barnette Elementary (now Barnette Magnet) School in 1987; I was in the third grade and Thomas was covering some wheelchair race at the school gym for KTVF Channel 11. He was at the station until the mid-'90s when, after doing video production work, he went to rival stations KFXF and KXD to anchor their news before joining Aleyska in 1999.
Last year, I outpaced him by half an hour in the Midnight Sun Run; and the last time we met was at the annual Golden Days parade in July in which he returned to his old stomping grounds at KTVF to work the camera.
Curtis Thomas may have left his home sweet home at the Golden Heart City for a new venture in Colorado, but don't be surprised if he returns here. If he does, it would be old times again. And Curtis, if you reading this blog (that is, if you didn't mind avoiding the Michelle Pfeiffer stuff), we hope you're having the best of luck so far in your new home.
And with long and stay strong.
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