Hello, everybody. 8 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 9 seconds with an average speed of 5.15 miles per hour was all it took for Lance Mackey to breeze through the Burled Arch in Nome at close to 3:00 pm Alaska Time this afternoon to claim his fourth Iditarod title in a row and in near record time! His rewards were the same as the last three times: $50,000 and a new Dodge truck.
Hans Gatt of Whitehorse, Canada would follow him to Nome arriving at 4:04, and four-time champion Jeff King was next just an hour ago at 5:22 pm. But right now, the most popular Lance in sports is not Armstrong, but Mackey as he has once again defied the odds as winner and still champion of The Last Great Race. So long and stay strong.