Since 1991 (and 1998 online), I've been doing this list that covers who or what has been hot this year. Without any further ado, here for the 15th year are the...

20 (in her SEVENTH STRAIGHT APPEARANCE). Britney Spears and Kevin Federline (Nobody cared about their UPN show, but we did care about their new baby boy)
19. Carrie Underwood (aka Kelly Clarkson gone country)
18. The "Dukes of Hazzard" movie (Which became nothing but a masturbation fest for Jessica Simpson in her Daisy Dukes and bikini)
17. California voters "Terminating" all four of Governor Schwarzenegger's ballot propositions (Suddenly, Warren Beatty seemed very happy)
16. Steve Carell yelling out Kelly Clarkson's name in vain in "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" (It would've been more funnier if "Kelly Clarkson" was subsituted with "Clay Aiken")
15. "Dancing With the Stars" (Cha-Cha-Cha!)
14. "Mad Money with Jim Cramer" (Louis Rukeyser meets Jerry Lewis with sound effects, though he's much more humble on the radio show)
13. "Grey's Anatomy" ("ER" with sex appeal...only that they're on after "Desperate Housewives")
12. Jamie Foxx winning the Best Actor Oscar...and then releasing a music CD just recently (Somebody call Cher!!!)
11. Paris Hilton's too racy Carl's Jr. commercial (That's hot! And wet! And sudsy!)
10. Pat O'Brien's adventures of sex, drugs, and booze (That's so f-ing hot!)
9. Oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge rejected by the Senate (Ted Stevens says it was the saddest day in his life; I say it was the happiest day in the environmentalists' lives)
8. NBC still in fourth place despite "My Name is Earl" being a hit (I'll leave Jaime Pressly alone)
7. Lance Armstrong calling it a career after his seventh and last Tour de France victory (He wanted to retire just so he can bang Sheryl Crow round the clock)
6. My two-week vacation in the South (Okay, I had to put it in there)
5. Martha Stewart's full-fledged comeback with her new daytime show and her first -- and last -- version of "The Apprentice" (a very good thing, I should say)
4. The Chicago White Sox winning the World Series (And in Northside Chicago, the Cubs fans are chanting "Wait till next year!")
3. Hollywood helping out after Hurricane Katrina (Maybe Chris Rock could take back his "George Bush hates midgets" remark)
2. The beginnings and/or ends of celebrity couples (Too many to name; see "Year in Entertainment")
And the #1 thing that had the whole world talking in 2005 that'll slop over into 2006...
#1. The Bush administration in trouble
(Harriet Miers, not responding quickly after Katrina, the CIA leak, and now admittance to wiretapping...Forget Watergate and Lewinsky, they churn out one scandal after another!)
Tomorrow as the "2005 Year In Review" continues...the final results of the Sexiest Man and Woman polls.
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